The Official 2021 PSGBOA Rendezvous is on for Sept. 15 – 19
Where: Roche Harbor Resort
It will be a blast! There will be speakers, and BBQ’s, Entertainment, and A THEME! Yes, we are back and ready to Rendezvous with all of you.
Details for when and how to register will be sent out very soon. Your Committee, headed by J.J.Jones, is busy inviting speakers on subjects you might find interesting plus deciding on music and food venues for you to relax and enjoy on the docks in beautiful Roche Harbor.
So here’s what you need to do until our next email blast:
- Set the date on your calendar for Sept. 15 -19
- Be thinking about this years THEME.
🎶🎵🎶“OH CANADA! “🎶🎵🎶
Since we can’t go to Canada let’s bring it to us,eh?
Dress like a Canadian,eh?
Decorate your boat like a Canadian,eh?
Bear spray,eh?
Use your imagination eh?
There will be prizes for sure, eh?
Typically we open registration 2 months in advance. So, stay tuned and if you have something to offer in the way of being a presenter, or wanting to be a part of our Committee, or wanting to be one of our wonderful sponsors for the event, please contact J.J. Jones at jjjones@jjjonesjr.com and he will direct you to the committee member in charge.
Now put your thinking caps on, eh?