0 thoughts on “Images tagged "shearwater-bc"

  1. Georg

    Great new website.
    PS: The link to your Facebook page doesn’t work yest.

  2. Rusty

    Ooops! That’s a bit embarrassing. Thanks for letting us know. Turns out the link required capital letters. PSGBOA instead of psgboa. I think I have it all fixed now.

  3. Ken Bowles


    Great tip on Good Reader app. I have been using the Adobe Reader app for my iPad which I have found interesting, certainly better than Apple’s iBooks, but perhaps still lacking in features compared to Good Reader, though it is free. In looking around, I also came across PDF Max Pro. Same price. I would be interested to know how they compare.

  4. Ken Bowles

    I wonder how these would hold up in the engine room. Seems like a great way to replace the original incandescent fixtures and get extra light in just the right spots with minimum bulk.

  5. Rusty

    I think they would be fine. There are no moving parts. The frame is aluminum. I think you would need a few of them though. Four to six to give good coverage with proper light. Judicious placement would minimize that number. That option might be a bit expensive at $30 or so a light. On Archimedes, we have two four foot dual fluorescent light fixtures. They produce great light, but of course are AC and may not be the best choice currently available.

  6. Rusty

    I don’t know anything about the Adobe reader app. One of the things I like about Good Reader (and there may be better choices, this is just the one I am familiar with) is the ability to download a variety of content from different sources. Good Reader is not limited to PDF files and can sync with Dropbox, iCloud, Skydrive, Google Drive, and a number of other sources.

  7. Larry Brown

    My wife took a women-only course a number of years ago from NW Explorations. Since then, she’s the helms-person and I’m the deck monkey. I don’t think she necessarily lands or departs any better than I do, but I am better with lines, etc. So it works well. She also has a better grasp on judging distances when anchoring, so she’s at the helm for that too. We use headsets for communication (I would call them “marriage savers”) and that helps immensely. The best part of this for me is that she is able to take “ownership” of the boating experience and that allows me to continue with something (and someone) I love.
    BTW, it’s also fun to hear the accolades from other men and women (especially female Customs agents) after she docks; more couples should try this.

  8. Rusty

    Thank you for enquiring. At this time, we do not accept classified ads on our site. If there is sufficient interest, we would be happy to revisit this.

    I apologize for editing you comment, but it was necessary to be consistent with our policy.

  9. Pingback: Registration is Open - Salish Sea Potlatch | Puget Sound Grand Banks Owners Association

  10. Don Knipe

    Did you replace the metal pinching tubes also? Mine are worn thru by the cables after 40 yrs and I am not sure how to correct this.
    Don Knipe

  11. Bjorn Malmstrom

    Great assembly of the event participant’s vessels (a fitting music as well), good job 🙂

  12. Jeff Bland

    This is really the next step up in technology for displaying the grandeur of a PSGOB rendezvous. Thanks so much to Ian McGhie for his efforts and talents in both capturing the rendezvous with his “drone” and also for his artistic editing and composition. It really brought the event back to life to look at it and recognize how special all those GBs are.

  13. John Burreson

    During a boat sale and subsequent repurchase I too have lost my PSBGA Burgee. How can I re-order one?

  14. Ron Montgomery

    Just signed on as a member of PSGBOA. Love to have a burgee if that is possible. Where do I buy one? Have a 32 Sedan 1970 “Woodie”.

  15. Phil Schofield

    Susan and I and Carmen are looking forward to this years get together at RH. Lots of fun, friends to reconnect with at one our favorite spots in the SJ Islands.

  16. Robert Burgan

    I am in the market for a Grand Banks Europa model…………will there be boats on display or for sale and is this event open to non owners who have an interest in Grand Banks trawlers?

  17. Don Yoder

    Aloha & Ahoy Don & Carla (Honu) ~

    You two look great . . . and happy!

    Please send me a note with current contact info, OK?

    Don Yoder
    Steilacoom, Washington

  18. Guy bonas

    Thanks to Terry and everyone involved that made the 2015 rendezvous an event the exceeded our expectations. We are new owners and have been looking forward to this since we first acquired Stormy almost a year ago. We met many new friends and enjoyed learning so much from such a wealth of knowledge and and experience of the other GB families. We look forward to seeing you on the water this summer. Gratefully, Guy and Gale Bonas.

  19. Don and Debbie Leu/Change of Latitude

    We can hardly wait! Thanks to everyone on the organizing committee for all the that you do for all of us!!

  20. Patti Maltase

    I was excited to see the above message about Grand Banks Logo gear. I was conversing with Bobbi mid September about sweatshirts and hats and she was very responsive. However, I’ve not heard anything back since September 23. I’ve sent three additional emails and left two voicemails but no response. Are others having the same issue? I want to get some things ordered but not sure what to do next. Help.

  21. Leslie Simmons

    Hi Patti, I’ll email you directly and see if I can help out! Not sure why Bergen has not responded.

  22. Leslie Simmons

    Hi Charles, if you would like to join the Puget Sound Grand Banks Owners Association, we are happy to have you as a member! Please fill out the form on Join Us page and we will get you added to the database. Thank you!

  23. Shing Kong

    This is indeed a very very sad news. I was lucky to have a one-on-one dinner with Bob one time after one of his all day seminars in San Diego. Our conversation covered a large range of topics during dinner and I was amazed by his wisdom, knowledge (not just on diesel engines, on which he was a legend), and kindness. I will miss seeing him and listening to his wisdoms and wonderful stories.

  24. Jane Poulston

    Hi –
    We are looking at buying a 42 Classic (mid 80s) by May next year in Vancouver.
    If anyone knows of one, please let us know

  25. Pingback: PSGBOA MEMBERS: Update Your Contact Info - Puget Sound Grand Banks Owners Association

  26. teddy gosinski

    Happy New Year to the PSGBOA! We are offering Vessel Safety Checks again this year at Rendezvous.
    If we can be of service please contact me.

    Teddy Gosinski
    Friday Harbor Power Squadron

  27. Leslie Simmons

    Hi Nicci,
    You definitely do NOT have to dress up! Some people will and some people won’t! It’s a laid back group. We like to have a theme to help guide the general structure, decorating, etc for the event, but it’s certainly not something you have to participate in. Thanks!

  28. Marta Swain

    We live in Michigan and have our hearts set on buying a Grand Banks asap to spend time in the Pacific Northwest. We are in process of acquiring a boathouse in Port Angeles to ensure that we can give our boat beat care from the start.
    Is there a way that PSGBO could help connect us to GB owners who may be able to help with our search for the right boat?
    Thanks in advance for any consideration you can give to our request.

  29. Leslie Simmons

    Hi Marta, You may want to check out the Facebook page for PSGBOA, by searching for Puget Sound Grand Banks Owners Association within Facebook. That might be a good resource for you. PSGBOA is also sponsored by two brokerage, NW Explorations and Stan Miller Yachts, both of whom represent buyers and sellers of pre-owned Grand Banks. You can see links to their websites right here on the PSGBOA site.

  30. Dennis Kenny

    Two quick items: 1. are you considering a member classification for former GB owners, especially if interested in finding another suitable GB to own, co-own, or charter; 2. because of #1, I second the point about classifieds — I, too, would be interested in such a feature, provided postings all relate to GB matters and are non-commercial. (feel free to edit or ignore in the thread)

  31. David

    If the drum that the cable is wound around slips on the shaft (as mine did) there are set screws on the drum that can be tightened . One the upper helm there are three 3/16 hex set screws; one to hold the cable to the drum and two that hold the drum to the shaft. Thanks for your help Rusty.

  32. Dan Terry

    Am interested in floor mats. Will the email below keep me in the loop if you reopen the reordering. Thank you.

  33. Leslie Simmons

    Hi Dennis, Thanks for your comments; we currently do not have the capacity within our volunteer-driven organization to maintain a classified-style listing system or message board. We do have supporters of our organization that represent used boats for sale (eg NW Explorations and Stan Miller Yachts), and would encourage you to contact them. We do have some ‘members’ who do not currently own a Grand Banks; if you would like to be on our email list (and are not already), we would be happy to add you.

  34. Shing Kong

    May be we can do our “virtual Rendezvous” by posting our cruising pictures and stories on line.
    Best wises to all and let’s all stay healthy during this crazy time.


  35. Word Press

    Yes, Thanks Shing! I suspect that a lot of us will be out cruising around this time anyway, so we might end up with a bit of a get together! (but staying 6 feet apart!)

  36. Michael Lynch

    I have a GB EU 47, moored in Vancouver BC. Are you selling these mats? Would love to buy a few in this colour or in Navy.

  37. Word Press

    Unfortunately this was just a “one time” thing for last years Rendezvous and we do not currently have any plans for doing another batch. At least not until next year’s Rendezvous!

    You might check with a local Bellingham company, Bergen and Company (https://bergenandco.com), about having some made. They have the required artwork from Grand Banks and I *think* they are able to make the mats. They might be able to mail them to you or if you wait awhile, could pick them up once the border is open again.

    Good Luck and let us know if you learn anything!

  38. James Nichol

    i have 1973 grandbanks and want to join but cant find hull # wich is a requirdment so cant comple the form

  39. Word Press

    Hello James,
    If you need to, feel free to just put in “0000” or something random in the form. We like to have the hull# for the registration, if possible, so we know whether a boat is the same one as a previous member registered or not. But really this is just a “nice to have” and not a requirement.

    There are some “generalities” on where to find your “Hull Identification Number (HIN)” on GB’s but no absolutes so these suggestions certainly may not apply to yours. Your hull number could be listed on the brass identification plate that is in your salon. Also, it is often on your transom on the port side and the hull# part is the last few digits.

    Good luck finding it but it should not prevent you from registering with PSGBOA 🙂

  40. Jeff Johnson

    Looking forward to meeting some GB owners I personally have a 39 Eastbay. Anyone else with this boat I would appreciate you reaching out. My boat was built in 2006 and is hull 41.

  41. Steven Slaton

    Is there an overall schedule of events for the rendezvous? I apologize if I either missed it or can’t find it. Please post or send me an overall schedule. I have already signed up and paid.

  42. Word Press

    Sorry Steven that your post here was missed. But for future reference, we do not distribute the schedule ahead of time, other than the general schedule that is part of the Registration signup. Days and times for the bigger events for example. But the seminars and speakers can change and get juggled around so we like to give ourselves some flexibility. Please feel free to contact us though if you have some specific questions you need answered for your own planning purposes.

  43. Anna Palmer

    Hi there. I am not clear how I can see the existing members directory. Can you please advise me. Thank you! – Anna

  44. Anne Burrell-Smith

    What is the procedure to sign up for the GB Rendezvous this year? We’ve been out of the area and will be returning the end of March. We definitely want to be sure we get registered for this event.



  45. W. Ramsay Smith

    I thought we had signed up for the 2022 rendezvous but cannot find the information. Please send.