A collection of links we believe you will find useful. Submit your favorite links to us with the form at the bottom of the page.
Grand Banks Associations
Useful Links
- Active Captain
- Chanteyman Trawlers
- Coast Guard Boating Safety Resource Center
- Dickerson Boatyard blog
- Marinas.com
- Marine Traffic AIS Map
- Northwest Yachting Magazine
- Online Nautical Chart Viewer
- Pacific Yachting Magazine
- Panbo – The Marine Electronics Blog
- Passage Maker Magazine
- Roche Harbor Resort
- Steve D'Antonio Marine Consulting
- Three Sheets Northwest Marine Blog
- US Documented Vessel Lookup
- US Power Squadron
Do you have a great website you would like us to add to our list? Submit it here. Your boat’s website, blog, facebook page, and useful sites of all kinds.
How/where does one get a PSGB burgee?
Hi Russ. I’ll forward your contact info to the right person.
During a boat sale and subsequent repurchase I too have lost my PSBGA Burgee. How can I re-order one?
Just signed on as a member of PSGBOA. Love to have a burgee if that is possible. Where do I buy one? Have a 32 Sedan 1970 “Woodie”.
Hi Ron. I forwarded your request on to the appropriate folks. Let us know if you need anything else!
Hi there. I am not clear how I can see the existing members directory. Can you please advise me. Thank you! – Anna