Tag Archives: Grand Banks northwest

Join Us for the 2015 PSGBOA Grand Banks Rendezvous!


We are very excited to announce that REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for the annual PSGBOA Rendezvous, our celebration of 50 years of Grand Banks in the Pacific Northwest! May 6th-10th at Roche Harbor Resort and Marina.

This year promises another great Rendezvous – we have exciting new seminars and hands-on demos, delicious food and beverages, and social events where you can meet up with old friends as well as make new friends…Plus, enjoy FREE MOORAGE on Wednesday, if you depart Sunday (or later).

Click here to download the current schedule

Here are some highlights:

  • Planned demonstrations from a U.S. Coast Guard boat
  • Fire preparedness: The fire department will be setting fires (and WE will putting them out!)
  • Managing onboard medical emergencies
  • Cruising with your 4-legged loved ones (including how to handle onboard health issues) with a seasoned offshore cruising expert
  • Learn the latest about new boating apps and technology available
  • Listen to a three-time Space Shuttle Commander present the world from space
  • Learn shipwreck folklore from the San Juan Island museum director
  • Hear the latest in trials and tales from the UW oceanographers

NEW Activities this Year:

  • Chandlery: Bring items off your boat that you would like to sell, swap or give away (e.g. hardware, electrical items, tools, keys, cabinets, whatever!). Stay tuned for more details.
  • Dinghy trip to an oyster farm
  • Walking tours: Guided history tour of Roche Harbor; docent guided tours of the art park; guided tours of a local distillery
  • A hosted bon fire and “loaded” coffees and desert followed by a spooky late night walk to the mausoleum with RH executive chef Bill Shaw
  • Nightly cigars (or not) under the stars which will always lead to exaggerated sea stories!

Also, we’ve listened to your feedback, past participants! The Chef Shaw Cooking Demo will feature more substantial nibbles and wine, and will be limited in participation numbers so as to not feel too crowded!

Click here to download the current schedule

So what are you waiting for? REGISTER NOW! Early bird pricing is in effect through March 15th. For only $200/boat (up to two adults), you get a variety of seminars, activities, food, drink and more! We are a non-profit organization (emphasis on NON!); as you can see that $200 registration fee is just a fraction of the actual expenses.  In fact, the majority of our costs are covered by OUR WONDERFUL SPONSORS most of whom have been with us year after year.  We provide time for you to greet and THANK them on Friday afternoon (and throughout the event!) and encourage you to keep them in mind when you have a boat need/project/service come up

We hope you continue to help us make the next 50 years truly the best for our Grand Banks community!

Click here to download the current schedule


Video from the 2014 Rendezvous

Here’s a short video from the 2014 rendezvous by Ian McGhie.

2014 Grand Banks Rendezvous – Salish Sea Potlatch

Wow! We have 74 boats and over 215 crew signed up to attend the 2014 Rendezvous in beautiful Roche Harbor. It’s just two weeks away. We are looking forward to seeing you all there.


Click here to download the Rendezvous Schedule of Events

Open Boat Tours: Show off your GB modifications at the rendezvous

We would like to make the open boats portion of the rendezvous a true learning experience. Have you made customizations, improvements, modifications, or interesting additions to your boat? Would you like to show them to others? Send us an email to add your name to the list. We will distribute the list at registration.

If you wish to participate, please provide the information below to Terry Stanford and John Creighton at: Fringle@aol.com.


(Note: We will provide participants with a small flag that, when displayed, will notify others that they can ask to come aboard to see your boat’s modifications.)

Questions? Shoot us an email at rendezvous@psgbowners.org.


Replacing the Flybridge Steering Cable

I recently replaced the steering cable between the flybridge and the lower helm on Archimedes, our Grand Banks 42. The project was surprisingly easy and inexpensive. Since many of our Grand Banks are getting on in years, I though the process might be of interest. It’s a fairly long post. Rather than post it all here, I’ll just point you to my blog for all the details.


mvArchimedes Replacing the Flybridge Steering Cable

Please let me know if you have questions or suggestions.

2014 Annual Rendezvous Thursday – Sunday, May 8 – 11

Salish Sea Potlatch: Exposition on the 2014 Annual Rendezvous Theme

The theme of this year’s Annual Rendezvous is “Salish Sea Potlatch.” Curious? Read on.

Some definitions are in order.

Salish Sea: The body of water encompassing Desolation Sound and the Strait of Georgia, the Strait of San Juan de Fuca, and Puget Sound. The name was created by a marine biologist in 1988 to designate the above marine ecosystem and to honor the Coast Salish peoples. It is now an officially recognized title, according to learned sources. See more. http://staff.wwu.edu/stefan/salish_sea.shtml

Potlatch: A ceremonial feast given by Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest in which everyone receives a gift. The potlatch has had many uses, but here is an interesting  one that might be valuable one day. “If an important person fell off a canoe, a small but elegant and costly potlatch would be given to offset the humiliation of the fall. You could not be laughed at. You could not lose dignity.” See http://nativeamericans.mrdonn.org/northwest/potlatch.html

“Salish Sea Potlatch” will provide terrific opportunities to socialize and have fun in Fabulous Roche Harbor. Join us Thursday, May 8th through Sunday, May 11th. Mark your calendar now and stay tuned to this site for the additional information that will soon emerge.

A Video Invitation to the 2014 GB Annual Rendezvous

John Henson, Lily Jung Henson, and Brian Pemberton are the 2014 Annual Rendezvous Co-Chairs.

Shoot us an email at rendezvous@psgbowners.org if you have questions. New information will be posted here as soon as we receive it.

Keeping stuff organized

This article was written by Rusty Lewis of the Archimedes and originally appeared on his blog.

I don’t know about your boat, but we have col­lected a drawer full of man­u­als and doc­u­men­ta­tion for the var­i­ous elec­tron­ics and giz­mos on Archimedes. While we occa­sion­ally ref­er­ence one from time to time, they mostly just take up space. Our solu­tion is an iPad and an app called Good Reader ($4.99).


All the man­u­als we need are avail­able in elec­tronic pdf for­mat. An iPad is the per­fect medium for stor­ing and view­ing these doc­u­ments. There are other tablets and other doc­u­ment reader apps. This is just the com­bi­na­tion we are using.

Good Reader allows us to down­load the man­u­als, orga­nize them, and view them as needed. We also keep elec­tronic copies of impor­tant papers like reg­is­tra­tion, insur­ance, radio license, and EPIRB reg­is­tra­tion on the iPad. It never hurts to have back up copies of the impor­tant stuff. Good Reader does much more than we use it for. It can con­nect to iCloud, Drop­box, and a num­ber of other ser­vices to retrieve pdf’s. Fol­low the link above to see what else it can do.

Good Reader is a fine way to read the lat­est copy of North­west Yacht­ing too!
