Monthly Archives: June 2013

Keeping stuff organized

This article was written by Rusty Lewis of the Archimedes and originally appeared on his blog.

I don’t know about your boat, but we have col­lected a drawer full of man­u­als and doc­u­men­ta­tion for the var­i­ous elec­tron­ics and giz­mos on Archimedes. While we occa­sion­ally ref­er­ence one from time to time, they mostly just take up space. Our solu­tion is an iPad and an app called Good Reader ($4.99).


All the man­u­als we need are avail­able in elec­tronic pdf for­mat. An iPad is the per­fect medium for stor­ing and view­ing these doc­u­ments. There are other tablets and other doc­u­ment reader apps. This is just the com­bi­na­tion we are using.

Good Reader allows us to down­load the man­u­als, orga­nize them, and view them as needed. We also keep elec­tronic copies of impor­tant papers like reg­is­tra­tion, insur­ance, radio license, and EPIRB reg­is­tra­tion on the iPad. It never hurts to have back up copies of the impor­tant stuff. Good Reader does much more than we use it for. It can con­nect to iCloud, Drop­box, and a num­ber of other ser­vices to retrieve pdf’s. Fol­low the link above to see what else it can do.

Good Reader is a fine way to read the lat­est copy of North­west Yacht­ing too!


Post 2013 Rendezvous Survey

We had a great turnout at the 2013 Puget Sound Grand Banks Rendezvous. About 60 boats and their valiant crews attended. But … we have almost 500 members. Wouldn’t it be amazing to have most, if not all, at the next rendezvous?

We would love to have those that attended weigh in on what would make the rendezvous even better next year. For those who attended, please take a moment to complete our survey. Just ten questions. Short and easy.

Click here to take the survey and help make the next rendezvous fantastic

We thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

We are working diligently on insightful questions to survey those who did not attend.

More light, less power

This article was written by Rusty Lewis of the Archimedes and originally appeared on his blog.

Archimedes came to us with flu­o­res­cent over­head light­ing. The fix­tures are about 12 inches long and built into recesses in the ceil­ing. Each fix­ture holds one ten watt tube. Sadly, they don’t pro­duce much light. In fact, a pre­vi­ous owner went so far as to line the insides of the recesses with alu­minum foil in the hope that would reflect a bit more light. I don’t think that was ter­ri­bly effec­tive. The tubes just don’t put out much light.

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