Tag Archives: 2011 Rendezvous


February 4, 2011

Hello PSGBOA members!  As I write this the sun is shining and I will be on the boat this weekend for a little R&R – not bad for February in the NW.

The PSGBOA held a board meeting last week during the boat show to go over plans for this year’s rendezvous, May 12-15, 2011. Preparations for the Rendezvous are coming along nicely thanks to lots of help from a number of volunteers and especially, from Grand Banks NW who facilitated the meeting on their brand new 53 Aleutian. We expect to have registration forms together shortly and will e-mail them to members as well as posting them on our website.  Please check the website for updates.  

We are fortunate enough have Peggy Hall, the acknowledged guru of marine sanitation and author of the book “Marine Sanitation” to joining us this year. Peggy will not only give a great presentation but will be available to go and visit your boat and discuss any needed upgrades or corrections. Bob Smith will be with us again and his widely admired talks covering marine power.  Bob is the founder of American Diesel and the expert on Lehman Engines.  We would also like a speaker from either Cummings or Cat. Tucker West of GB NW and Bill Davis will be working on this subject and they will report back to us all. Roche Harbor and Bill Shaw will have the cooking demonstration this year but with a twist. This year Bill is putting together a demo outdoors and the theme will be grilling on your boat. Remember that there are only 75 reservations to this event so be sure and sign up for it when you register.  Like last year there will be an additional charge for the event.  Mr. Shaw is also putting together our Saturday night dinner plans and menus and I will forward those to everyone once they are available.

While I am on the food subject, we have decided to bring back the wine tasting and appetizer pot luck on Friday night.  These were such a big last year that we just couldn’t pass on a second round. Bill Davis of Wells Fargo Insurance has sponsored this event in the past and has stepped up again so a big thank you to Bill.   For the kids, we will have a movie night again this year complete with root beer and popcorn.  It was a big hit last year.

As we move forward I want to thank everyone that contacted me to help out, a big thanks for that. We will be providing you with more information about how to help as we move closer to the event. Now I have a question for the group. This is your event so please give us some ideas for speakers you would like to have (or any other ideas as far as that goes).  For anyone who would like to do a presentation, please contact me (grich737@msn.com) or Bill Douglass (billdouglass@douglassclan.com) and we will get it on the agenda. It’s already February and we’re just a few months away from the largest gathering of GB owners in the world. Kim Nance is putting together the registration packet for this year and again we will do and all inclusive package deal. The cost is $170 per boat and that would include 2 persons at the Saturday night dinner and drinks. Each extra dinner will be an extra cost as it was last year and children will of course be at a reduced rate. For those not traveling by boat, Roche Harbor will have a special on room rates as they have had in past years.

So as you can see a lot has been done but there is still a lot yet to do. Your board is working hard to finalize the last few items but we still need to hear from you so please don’t hesitate to send either me or Bill Douglass an e-mail and let us know your thoughts. I will follow up with another letter by the end of this month or just the beginning of next as things start to come together. I am looking forward to seeing each and everyone have a safe and wonderful early spring and I will be talking with you soon.

Kind Regards,

Greg Richmond, PSGBOA Rendezvous Chair

PSGBOA Board Meeting notice & Rendezvous 2011 update

Hello everyone from PSGBOA and Greg Richmond!

 We have an upcoming board meeting the 26th of January, 2011, at the Seattle Boat Show.  If there is anything you would like to suggest for this year’s Rendezvous (May 12-15), please drop me a line at grich737@msn.com and we will discuss it at this meeting. We have a full line of speakers signed up for this year’s Rendezvous, including Peggy Hall, for your marine sanitation questions and the ever popular Bob Smith, of American Diesel. We will be emailing to you and posting the 2011 Registration form on website in February, so watch for that.

If you are planning on attending the Seattle Boat Show this year, Grand Banks, Grand Banks Yachts & NW Explorations will all have excellent hand outs and information on this year’s Rendezvous in Roche Harbor and the GB 53 will be on display, so stop by and take a look.

Hope to see you at the Seattle Boat Show & and at the 2011 Grand Banks Rendezvous.

Greg Richmond


Website: www.psgbowners.org

A message from the PSGBOA President

Dear Puget Sound Grand Banks Owner’s Association Members;

While we are in the middle of enjoying our holidays please be sure to mark your calendars for the Rendezvous this spring at Roche Harbor.  As in the past,  the Rendezvous will be held May 13, 14 and 15, 2011,  with early registration for those who arrive on Thursday, May 12.  We have already met with the people from Roche Harbor and they have promised us spectacular weather as well as a repeat of the excellent food, service, and fun that we have enjoyed in previous years.

This year’s Rendezvous Chair is Greg Richmond, who served as chair last year and who graciously offered to do so again when Lynn Thompson had to bow out for personal reasons.  Greg did a fabulous job last year and we are looking forward to another great Rendezvous in 2011.  At this early stage we have commitments from Bob Smith to talk about diesel engines; Peggy Hall, the guru of marine sanitation to talk to us about… well… marine sanitation; and Chef Bill Shaw for a cooking demonstration.  In the early planning are Women on the Water training, a wine-tasting/appetizer extravaganza and another spectacular Saturday night dinner.  We’ll keep you posted as plans firm up.

As always we are looking for help this year.  We need volunteers to help with planning, preparation, and execution during the rendezvous.  We also need people who might be interested in serving on the PSGBOA board of directors.  Please let Greg or me know if you are interested in helping out in any way. Greg’s email is  grich737@msn.com

We will be a presence at the January boat show this year thanks to help from Grand Banks Northwest.  Please stop by the Grand Banks Northwest area at the Boats Afloat Show where you can pick up current information about the rendezvous while giving the new 53 Aleutian a look-over.

I know that many of you are busy with holiday activities but I hope that some of you are getting a chance to do some cruising during this cold, but beautiful and un-crowded season.  Even if you aren’t out boating now, it is fun to start thinking about spring and the fun we’ll have seeing all of our boating friends again once the weather improves.   We look forward to seeing you at the boat show and at the Rendezvous.

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to all,

Bill Douglass
President, Puget Sound Grand Banks Owner’s Association